2018…The year that has 100% proven to me I don’t have all my shiz-it together!
So here we are, four days before Christmas – deciding to write a blog post, have an electronic Christmas card – and using the excuse “The Donahoes are going green!”
2018 has come and gone –
We have hit the year mark in our new construction home. This has been a dream for us! We feel so incredibly blessed to have made amazing friends and neighbors who have become our family.
The kids all had big first days this year at school! Abigail moved up to an intermediate school, where she continues to make us so proud with her brains and amazing compassion and kindness she shows to all of her peers. She has already made student of the month, which she hands down, deserves! She is active in Girl Scouts, a rockstar at softball and her new passion – riding horses! She forces me out to the barn in freezing weather to bond with her first true love, Pixie. I
t’s amazing to see her light up and live her dream up on the saddle!
Jackson started kindergarten this year! My little guy is growing up
! He is doing well, is known to be the squirmy worm in his class, but the teacher tells me how kind and what a great friend he is. Nothing we don’t know, he really is a great kid with a big heart! He is back to playing soccer! He loves the sport, even though mommy isn’t a fan of soccer! We are trying to convince him to take up flag football but he’s not so sure! And, speaking of football – daddy officially has converted him to the dark side of being a true Redskins fan. I’m hoping to bring him back.
Benjamin has had a big year. As most of you know, Ben was diagnosed with Autism this
summer. This has been an experience for our family and Andrew and I are learning everyday. He is in preschool in the morning, participates in outpatient occupational therapy weekly and has recently started ABA therapy in our home five days a week. He’s doing so great and let me tell you, this kid – he is so smart. He blows us away daily with the funny and witty things he does and says.
Mommy and daddy are still working our same jobs. We are fortunate to have amazing jobs that allow us to support our family! We actually got away this past October and took a weekend trip, all by ourselves! It was our first romantic get-away in YEARS! By romantic, I mean, a trip to PA for a Metallica concert…… The things I do for the man I love! No weekend lying on the beach getting a massage, or a trip to Paris – but we loved every minute of being together and are so lucky to have found a love so true!
All in all, a great year with lots of fun each day! It’s chaos and a constant circus in our home, but at the end of the day, we wouldn’t have it any other way.
While we may not have our life together enough to send out pretty Christmas cards, and will admit Amazon did the majority of our Christmas shopping…. we wanted to still send you virtual holiday wishes!
Please be kind, share compassion and spread love in 2019!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!